
哈特内尔社区学院(HCC)承认你有权知道什么是信息 being collected about you online and how that information is used. 你没有 to give us personal information to visit our websites. Sometimes we need information 提供您所要求的服务,本隐私声明解释了我们的在线服务 information practices. HCC complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) as it pertains to student records. This Privacy Statement applies to the 哈特奈尔.edu websites and governs data collection and usage. 通过哈特内尔.edu 网站,您同意本声明中描述的数据实践. 肝细胞癌是 除非您提供这些信息,否则不会收集您的任何个人信息 自愿通过发送电子邮件或完成在线请求,注册或申请 form.



During your visit to 哈特奈尔.edu, you may send an email to 哈特奈尔.edu. 你的电子邮件 address and the contents of your message will be collected. The information collected 不限于文字字符,还可以包括音频、视频和图形信息 formats included in the message. 你的电子邮件 address and the information included in 你的信息将被用来回应你,解决你发现的问题,并加以改进 本网站或将您的留言转发给其他部门,以便采取适当行动. 请注意,电子邮件不一定是安全的,防止拦截. If your communication 是非常敏感的,还是包含你的银行账户、信用卡等信息 or Social Security number, you should not send it by email.

During your visit to 哈特奈尔.edu website, you may complete a voluntary online information 申请表. 收集的信息,包括自愿提供的个人信息 阁下在填写表格、申请或交易时所提供的资料,只作上述用途 除非另有规定,否则不得与其他实体共享 由法律规定.

学生和员工都获得了在线账户,并创建了唯一的密码 据他们说. Passwords protect accounts from unauthorized use. HCC is not responsible for lost, stolen, or otherwise disclosed passwords. HCC employees will never ask you 输入你的密码. 

我们的一些网页允许你捐款、注册和支付课程等. 在这些情况下,我们将收集完成您的注册所需的信息 或者承认你的贡献,就像它是写在纸上一样.  你的 contributions are processed through a secure ecommerce solution.

HCC will only collect personal information 通过哈特奈尔.edu or disclose personal information collected 通过哈特奈尔.edu if the user has consented to the collection or disclosure of such personal information. The voluntary disclosure of personal information 用户向HCC表示同意该信息的收集和披露 by HCC for the purposes for which the user disclosed the information.

但是,HCC可以在未经同意的情况下收集或披露个人信息 或者披露是: 

  1. 必须履行HCC的法定职责,以运作经授权的项目 law, or authorized by state or federal statute or regulation; 
  2. made pursuant to a court order or 由法律规定; 
  3. for the purpose of validating the identity of the user; or 
  4. 仅用于统计目的的信息,其形式不能 be used to identify any particular person.

此外,披露的信息,包括收集的个人信息 通过哈特奈尔.edu is subject to the provisions of the California Consumer Privacy 法》(CCPA). HCC可能会向联邦或州执法部门披露个人信息 对未经授权的访问或企图未经授权的访问执行其权利的权威 access to HCC information technology assets.


HCC可能会使用您的个人身份信息来通知您所提供的服务 and processes requiring your attention. HCC may also contact you via surveys to conduct 调查你对现有服务或潜在新服务的看法.

HCC致力于保护通过哈特奈尔收集的个人信息.edu against unauthorized access, use or disclosure. HCC has implemented procedures to safeguard the integrity of its information technology assets. These security procedures 已集成到的设计、实现和日常操作中 哈特奈尔.Edu,以及有限的员工访问收集的个人信息 通过哈特奈尔.作为我们对电子安全的持续承诺的一部分 content as well as the electronic transmission of information. HCC secures your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. HCC secures the personally 您在受控制的安全环境中的计算机服务器上提供的可识别信息; protected from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. When personal information (such 当信用卡号码被传输到其他网站时,它会受到保护 the use of encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. 请保持 请记住,如果您直接披露个人身份信息或个人身份信息 通过HCC的一个社交网站,比如脸谱网, 推特, YouTube或Instagram,这些信息可能会被其他人收集和使用.

HCC鼓励您查看您选择访问的网站的隐私政策 from links on 哈特奈尔.edu. HCC is not responsible for the privacy policies or other content on websites outside of the HCC family of websites.

cookie是由用户的浏览器在浏览器上存储的一小段信息 hard drive of your computer. 哈特奈尔.edu utilizes temporary and long-lasting session 饼干在其网站的某些部分,以管理您的互动活动和 to provide convenience or personalized features to save you time. You have the ability 通过您的浏览器首选项接受或拒绝cookie,并有拒绝的选项. 如果您选择拒绝cookies,您可能无法完全体验到互动 features of this site.

HCC收集个人访问在线服务的一般信息 using Google Analytics. The gathering of this general information will not include personal information. 这个信息 is used to determine the type of visit to the HCC web pages in order to refine and improve HCC's on-line offerings. 这个信息 用于总结报告,使HCC能够确定更好的治疗方法 visitors and to identify and correct performance and/or problem areas.

本私隐声明所提供的资料不应被解释为给予 商业、法律或其他建议,或保证信息的安全 通过提供或其他建议,或保证信息的安全性 provided 通过哈特奈尔.edu.

HCC试图保持其网站内容的最高准确性. 任何错误 or omissions should be reported. HCC makes no claims, promises or guarantees about 内容的绝对准确性、完整性或充分性,并明确免责 liability for errors and omissions in the content. No warranty of any kind, implied, 明示或法定的,包括但不限于不侵权的保证 第三方权利、所有权、适销性、适合某一特定目的,以及 本网站的内容不受电脑病毒侵害 or its hyperlinks to other Internet resources. References or links on this website 对任何特定的商业产品、过程或服务,或任何贸易的使用, 公司或公司名称仅供公众参考和方便 不构成HCC、其雇员或 代理.

This Privacy Statement is subject to change without notice. HCC will occasionally update this Privacy Statement as the conditions and websites change. 肝癌鼓励 您应定期查看本隐私声明,以了解HCC如何保护您的隐私 你的信息.